Heads in the Clouds. Boots on the Ground.
Our Future is Now exists to broaden our public discourse. Its many interests will be ideas that are commonly discarded because they are considered impractical or impossible in the present.
Peace on Earth. Interstellar travel. World parliament. These utopian ideas and their traits - found in works of science fiction, speculative fiction, futurist writings, and scholarship – will be at the heart of the discussion on this page.
These ideas have been with us for generations, always present in the stories we tell. Yet they lurk beyond the light of human affairs, perhaps because the technology, funding, and political will remain out of reach.
To give these ideas meaning in our daily lives, we will look at current events that coincide with these utopian ideas and issues related to their achievement. A conversation about a utopian ideal of, say, limitless clean energy is incomplete without an analysis of the current efforts to build a fusion reactor.
On a more practical level, this blog concerns itself with bringing these ideas down to street level and talk about how and why we can act on their realization in the present. This includes experimenting with processes through which dreams can be converted into actionable goals.
The vision is, in a way, to look past our present politics where ideals exist in an abstraction and lasso them into the now. This blog will not engage in politicking; however, bringing the future into the now has its own politics.
Misanthropes may not believe that humanity deserves or is capable of change. Fascists will balk at a radical expansion of democracy. The left may turn their noses up at human’s spoiling pristine new worlds. We will address the political climate of ideas but will do so objectively and dispassionately.
But enough about what this blog will do. Let’s get started!